Losing weight can be hard. Losing weight after having babies can be REALLY hard! One of the hardest parts of setting goals to get that postpartum weight off and get our bodies back is sticking with it! Anyone looking to make changes to live a healthier lifestyle knows that getting our mindset right is key to our success.
Add on top of that having babies and the lack of sleep and energy that comes with that as a packaged deal and that makes not “falling off the weight-loss wagon” even more of a challenge.
Trust me momma I have been there! I gained almost 70 pounds during my second pregnancy. Prior to having babies, I was “that girl”.
You know the ones who can eat whatever they want, never work out, and somehow still be a size 4.
Yep, that was me up to age 23-24 when I got pregnant with our first son.
I only gained about 15-20 pounds during that pregnancy and was nearly hospitalized multiple times with a very rare condition that basically caused me to throw up every single day for the entire 9 months.

It was like having the worst morning sickness you can imagine for the entire pregnancy. For the first four weeks, I was throwing up water even. It was scary I honestly didn’t know if I was going to make it.
Bit dramatic I know, but trust me if you were throwing up everything including water for 4+ weeks straight you would probably be in that mindset of pure fear too.
In this blog post, I am sharing my keys to success to get that 50+ pounds of postpartum weight off and how I have been able to keep it off effortlessly for over 7 years now!
(If you missed my previous blog post click the title below to read that one next)
5 Secretes to Actually Stick to a Weight Loss Plan and Lose Weight for Good
How I Lost 50 Pounds and Have Kept It Off Naturally
Was the first of the 5 secrets. And is worthy of going into much more detail! Because after all, those looking to lose weight want it to stay lost for good! (lol) I often say, “I dropped 50+ pounds” vs lost because our brilliant minds may just say ‘oh no you lost something don’t worry I will find it for you.
If you are reading this in hopes of a quick fix weight-loss program, a weight-loss pill, or a magical ‘how to lose 50 pounds in 30 days’ solution this IS NOT the spot for you!
When I approach this journey myself over 8 years ago now I knew the weight not coming off was not the real issue. Not to say it was not one of the TOP issues that sent me on this journey.
I realized something inside was off and THAT was the reason the weight was not coming off. That was the real roots I need to get to otherwise it would be another “fad diet” that would most likely result in gaining all of the weight back, and possibly damaging my metabolism & body even more along the way.
Though I like you wanted that 50+ pounds off ASAP I wanted it off for GOOD and that was worth investing my time and energy into finding the solution to the problems, not the quick fix.
#1 Place to Start in any Weight Loss Journey is Food
I like to give the answer then the why. Mostly because I know you like me to know the answer to the secret fist. (lol)
How to eliminate food cravings? So that you not only lose the unwanted extra weight but KEEP it off for good?
We have to eliminate the foods that are causing the problem in the first place. FOR GOOD! Unlike the diet mentality where you have a “start date and end date”. The wellness lifestyle has no end date. That is how it keeps working forever!
Clean Keto is the faster and easiest way I found through much of my own trial and error to get two birds with one stone. When literally NOTHING else worked for me (like for real not even 1-2 pounds came off) when I started The Ketogenic Lifestyle I dropped 30 pounds in the first 3 months! (insert angels from the heavens singing in rejoice lol).
What do we know about humans? We do not do well alone!
The 1st and biggest roadblocks to success as humans need help, community, and knowing we are not alone. The 2nd roadblock is not having a clean and defined plan.
Now, for me personally, 7-8 years ago the Keto Diet was NOT what it is today. I really had to stumble my way through that first 6 – 9 months of figuring it all out myself.
And thankfully after seeing the results of healing and weight loss I was having at the 3-month mark my husband joined me, so from that point on I was not alone.
Thank God I stuck with it because it not only checked off the weight loss goal for me I was able to heal my autoimmune system (my thyroid) in the process.
Which by the way was the reason for the weight gain and inability to lose the weight all in one.
Unless you are willing to put in hundreds of man-hours researching as I did, which most will not. I say to you as your friend…..GET HELP!!
I recommend this Custom Keto Meal Plan all the time!! And right now you can try it FREE!
Rachel Roberts has worked for years on it with chefs, fitness professionals, and nutritionists all to be able to deliver a customized to fit your lifestyle menu to choose from!
This takes all the work of figuring it all out yourself off your plate.
I am so happy this is now an option for people. Along with all the foods in the grocery stores now for keto…… it makes it easier than ever to stick to it!
There is really no way to describe the time and effort in learning this myself that it is saving you right out of the gate!
Overcoming Food Addictions
Ok back to how the food industry is playing mind games with us. You may be thinking I am exaggerating….. I am not!
Please allow me to state the most obvious fact that is so often overlooked in any weight-loss journey which is changing the foods that you eat means so much more than changing the foods that you eat! You have to develop a new mindset, a new set of truths, a very very strong why up front in order to overcome the power food addictions have over us.
How is this happening?
The food industry has mind control over us!! Don’t believe me? I will prove it!
The food industry in the US has become masters of 2 things
- Marketing
- Adding ingredients and chemicals to our food to CREATE FOOD ADDICTIONS
I challenge you to become aware of all of the hidden marketing, the placement of the junk foods by the registers, the placement of fast food clusters, the placement of coke ads before movies that are so good they make anyone’s mouth water, and so on.
The food industry has MASTERED the art of marketing and persuasion.
Let us play a quick little game so I can show you how food marketing works so brilliantly well.
Take a look at the lemon above and (after you read this bit) close your eyes and imagine that you are cutting that lemon. It is one of the biggest lemons you have ever seen and fresh, just picked from the tree. As you cut into it there is juice spraying everywhere and the scent of the lemon is so bright and fresh!
Bring the lemon up to your mouth and take a big bite out of it!
Your mouth is watering profusely is it not?
This is a form of mind control. I was just able to solicit a response I wanted from you in less than 3 seconds.
A little unnerving isn’t it?
This is what the food marketing and persuasion industry is doing to us EVERY SINGLE DAY on purpose!
Step one to stepping out of the Food Matrix is to eliminate the foods that drive cravings, hungry, overeating, and additions.
The number 4 foods that do this?
- gluten and most other grains
- dairy
- sugar
- seed oils (such as soybean oil, sunflower, safflower, canola, and so on)
Stick with me here I know you are taking a mental inventory of what you eat and thinking….. ‘mmmmm that pretty much sums up a portion of every meal of the day for me’ if you are American.
And you would be right, unfortunately.
This is why the weight-loss industry and anything under that umbrella, diet, fitness, etc. industries are a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry!
Hyperpalatable Foods
Hyper-palatable and highly prevalent most of the foods that qualified – 70% – were high in fat and sodium, such as meat dishes or milk-based foods like cheese dips. Around 25% of the hyper-palatable foods were high in fat and sugar, and 16% of these foods were high in carbohydrates and sodium.
When they make foods they literally have test groups to see if the taste and smells and colors of these “Frankin-Foods”, or what I call foods cooked up in a lab vs grown in the ground will be what they call hyperpalitable foods.
These are the foods that you can pretty much bet on turning to fat in your body right away.
You can find a list of the two articles written about the most hyperpalatable foods list byhealthline.com clicking here and newsweek.com by clicking here– then avoid them like the plague!
How Hormones Affect Weightloss
When it comes to losing weight, especially postpartum weight, Food is our first place to look. But it is obviously not the only place to look. Getting your doctor to run a hormone panel is also invaluable information for you to be able to identify if there might be more going on than you realize.
This will help you to eliminate hormonal weight gain and/or the inability to lose weight due to hormonal imbalances.
Something like 6 out of 10 women in the US has an autoimmune issue, most fall under thyroid-related issues, like in my case. Having babies, getting a new job, getting married, or any big life-changing events whether they are good or bad cause stress to our bodies.
That said there is nothing to fear we can heal our bodies. But knowing where we are is key. Imagine being in a boat with holes in the bottom and fixing food is plugging up one hole but if there are still holes in the boat you will sink right?
If this is the case I cannot go into how I healed my thyroid in one blog post. Trust me I would if I could. I am not sure if I could even cover it all in a book!
What I can offer you though is one-on-one coaching.
Becoming a health/wellness coach was not really something I had planned even when starting this blog. To be honest I have been coaching my friends and family for YEARS now for free I just did not release it (haha).
Because I have spent so much time researching and healing myself you better believe I learned a lot along the way.
I believe in taking a holistic wellness approach. This means looking at our bodies and our lifestyles as a whole.
Crazy little things like fluoride in our toothpaste, or VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in fragrances wreak havoc on our hormones!!
So though I would say everyone should make some life changes like eliminating toxins from our clean products, personal hygiene products, and beauty products is a MUST. It is absolutely vital for anyone experiencing any level of hormonal imbalance.
To read more about how toxins in your home and daily hygiene are affecting your health click here and click here.
Working with someone one-on-one that has been in your shoes and healed my body is a great way to bypass all of the many roadblocks I faced so that you don’t have to.
Health & Weightloss books
As I have shared I love researching and had to share my top 5 books health and weight loss books that I highly recommend!
Another A-MAZING resource I have been an avid follower of is Dr. Mark Hymans Podcast (and youtube) the Doctors Famacy which you can find by clicking here. You can type in “autoimmune” and it will populate 10 or more amazing podcast interviews on healing the autoimmune system.
Dr. Hyman is a medical doctor (surgeon) turned functional medicine specialist after suffering and healing his own autoimmune disease. So who better to teach us from a medical perspective than someone who refused to take the “diagnoses and adios” from the endocrinologist (hormone specialist) that he too got after finding out he had hypothyroidism.
He changed his field of practice in search of healing his own body.
I often quote him in my blog saying,
“food is either medicine or poison, it is either nourishing and healing to your body or slowly killing it….”
Beating food addiction is no joke. It is not an over-dramatization. It is a real battle that anyone raised on the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). And there is not just one type of food addiction.
There is fast food addiction. Junk food addiction. Food addictions are linked to pretty much any processed or refined foods. Notice no one has ever been addicted to broccoli or carrots am I right?
There is even food addiction counseling and if you need it you can find help by searching “find food addiction counseling near me” to find a professional food therapist.
Or I am also available for one-on-one coaching with an outlined week-by-week game plan that will naturally help you detox from the foods that are causing the addictions and focus on your mindset as well.
Either way, if you need help please reach out and get help. You do not have to do it alone, nor should you attempt to.
If you are ready to ditch the diet drama, get control of your hunger and cravings so that you control food it does not control you, and finally ready to get that baby weight off for good you now have a solid first step. A proven first step and one that will do the work for you if you stick with it!
The key to losing the postpartum weight and keeping it off effortlessly is to eliminate the foods and old mindset toward food that are the root of the problem. If you like me had no issues with weight before getting pregnant, then everything changed after having babies that is because having babies puts our bodies under a tremendous amount of stress and changes.
I heard it said once that having a baby was the equivalent of 5-7 years of physical labor on a man’s body.
It only goes to reason that our bodies and hormones have changed with this type of stress on our bodies. So we too must change and adapt. Old ways may no longer work. So while we are at getting the weight off and keeping it off why not develop a wellness lifestyle at the same time.
Are you married and want to double your success by sticking to your new wellness lifestyle? We offer couples coaching as well. We have dubbed it The Fit Over 40 Couples Coaching but friend if you are not 40 years DONT wait until you are to get your wellness lifestyle in order (do it while it is easier).
Doing this journey together will not only help you both reach your health and longevity goals but will ensure that the journey is enjoyable.
You have each other. That support is an invaluable asset for your success!
This is how we were able to “onboard” our sons who are 14 & 10. They have watched their dad and me for so long that they choose to do it too (they are not forced to).
More is caught than taught.
A wellness lifestyle can be looked at as an inheritance plan. Science has proven only 3% of diseases are genetics the other 97% are inherited by lifestyle choices of the parents that were handed down to their kids.
Getting this right is about so much more than just losing weight…… if that is your why to get you started (as it was for me) that is A-OK!
Just get started! I could have never imagined something so hard for me would turn into something so beautiful. I am beyond grateful that I am now living a life that will ensure health and longevity for the long haul.
I want that for you too!
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