In this post, we will be breaking down EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about Red Light therapy, Joovv Light, and other good red lights you can use at home. There are so many fantastic health benefits to red light therapy from reducing cellulite, aiding in weight loss, reversing hair loss, and minimizing scars, all the way to improving eyesight!

In this post, I will be deep-diving red light therapy and all its amazing health benefits and giving you a personal review of using the Joovv Red light daily for just over a year now. Feel free to jump and skim through the sections you are most interested in. If you are here because you are looking to invest in red light therapy at home then grab a cup of coffee and let me share why I 100% recommend it!
Red Light Therapy Near Me
Several years ago my husband and I heard a podcast by one of our favorite bio-hackers talking about red light therapy, Joovv light in particular. It was such an amazing podcast that we immediately started saving knowing that purchasing a Joovv Red light for our at-home use was going to be the way to go.
When I did a quick google search for “Red Light Therapy Near Me” it populated the available options near me.
However, if you happen to live in smaller or more rural towns the closest place to get a red light therapy treatment may be hours away.
I also quickly found that one 30-45 minute treatment was around $45-$65. Times this by two for my husband and I which would be $100 for one treatment plus the 25-minute drive.
If we did this 4 times a month, once a week, that would be an extra $400 per month not including the time it would take us to get there an back which honestly would be the biggest hurdle.
We knew right away we would rather wait and save up for the at-home red light therapy machine from Joovv.
The Joovv Light we wanted was one panel with the base stand and it is around $1200.
Joovv has several different size options to choose from we just knew the full panel with the base would fit our needs best and plan on upgrading to the wall-mounted double panel soon!
Investing at home saves us both time and money! No booking appointments at spas, needing to get ready and drive there. The gas money in traveling there, and the fact that above was accounting for one treatment once a week.
Obviously, we would both like much more than 30-45 minutes one time per week.
With our at-home Joovv panel we can get a full body red light treatment daily.
If we calculate one treatment a day seven days a week for one year then times that by two since this includes my husband too it would be the same as $72,000 at a spa for the same amount of treatments we have had in the last year using our Joovv.
Not to mention there is no way we would have been able to find the time to fit in a treatment a day for the last year had it not been as easy as walking into our office and doing the treatment and then getting on with our day.
If this is not in your current budget here are some great options to get red light therapy at home in the meantime:
These are all great options but they are no Joovv light. When we were researching red lights to purchase Joovv was so far advanced that there was no real competition as far as our research found.
Joovv also offers payment plans directly through them. If you qualified you could get the single panel with the stand for as little as $89 per month.
Depending on your area this could be the cost for just one treatment per month.
Enter the code “rootstribe”
for $50 off your first purchase.
Red Light Therapy Cellulite Before and After
One of the most asked questions is “does red light therapy work on cellulite”?
The short answer is YES!! Red light therapy works wonders in getting rid of cellulite.
If you are wanting to get rid of cellulite understanding what cellulite is and where cellulite came from is really the key. Though red light therapy does help reduce cellulite if you continue to accumulate it then you are swimming against the current.
You will continue to get new cellulite as fast as you can get rid of or reduce the old cellulite.
To prevent this uphill battle all you need to do is have a baseline understanding of what cellulite is and where it came from in the first place.
Cellulite is most common in women because women naturally have a higher body fat index than men. Cellulite is simply put fat cells that increase and push up against the skin.
This is what gives it that cottage cheese-like dimpled appearance.
Cellulite is mostly found on the thighs and buttocks but can also be in the abdomen and hips as well.
If you have not been to the blog before the reason I started Going Back to Our Roots was to share how I lost over 50 pounds and healed my autoimmune system naturally to help others find holistic healing too. (click here to read more on my story next)
Red Light Therapy is a massive contributor to my healing journey, however, there are so many other little things that I have done daily for years that also play key roles.
I have been dry brushing and facia rolling for several years now to not only get rid of cellulite but to also tighten my skin from the weight loss that I achieved. I linked the two I use above.
They are both very inexpensive and I have had them both for over 5 years now, so both of them are good quality!
Red light therapy for stretch marks and red light therapy for scars is just as effective as it is at getting rid of cellulite and without completely nerding out on you here is why.
Joovv has both red light and near-infrared light which both have different benefits. Near-infrared lights are not visible to the human eye.
When we first got our Joovv light I am glad we learned this on the podcast or I would have thought half the lights on the panel did not work (lol).
The combination of red and near-infrared lights encourages the body to detoxify and get rid of fat as well as rebuild collagen connective tissue.
Collagen production naturally declines as we get older but is so important for us because that is what gives our skin its elasticity (aka makes our skin look younger).
The red lights stimulating collagen production give our skin the structure, strength, and elasticity back which in turn helps to heal scars, stretch marks, and cellulite.
Sadly I did not take before and after photos years ago when I started body brushing, facia rolling, or last year when starting the red light therapy for my cellulite, stretch marks, or scares specifically so I guess you will have to take my word on it, or just try it for yourself.
But if you scroll down just a bit to the next section you will see my before and after photos and they are TEN YEARS (YEP A WHOLE DECADE) apart!
Just being real here friends I think I look so much younger now than I did then! And I know I feel younger with so much more energy too.
red light therapy weight loss before and after
Quick Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am an everyday person just like you, who was frustrated and did not want to be on medication my whole life without ever actually fixing the problem. I call my posts I share how I used food as medicine, clean nontoxic living, and modern scientific tools and research to heal my autoimmune system and be free of all medication in hopes that you can find your own healing journey too.
The pictures (3) on the left and the one photo on the right there is a full ten years (over a decade) apart!!
May I point out a few things for you in case you did not notice since I was doing my best to hide my extra weight behind my kids?
- My hair looks amazingly healthy and longer than it has ever been and this is at age 38
- I am over 50 pounds lighter now than I was in my early 20s (again click here for the full post on how I healed my hormones and dropped over 50 pounds after having babies)
I would also like to repeat it here in case you are skimming the post and missed it above. After having my youngest son over 11 years ago my hormones were out of wack and the dominos of issues started from there.
My weight, my skin, my hair, my energy levels, my mood…….. everything was out of wack! But that is a whole other story that I share a lot on my blog so I will let you browse around after this post if you are interested in hearing more about that.
Joovv Light
Why did we choose the Joovv Light over the others? When we were looking to buy our red light we were less concerned with price and most concerned with the validity of the device.
Not all red lights are created equal.
Red light devices should use medical-grade LEDs to be able to deliver clinical doses of light power to your skin safely, without heat, or the use of excessive UV rays, chemicals, or other negative side effects.
Quality matters here!
Clinically-Proven Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy
Light therapy has been studied in clinical trials around the world for decades. Even NASA started studying the effects of light back in the 1990s. The great news for us is that light therapy is completely safe and effective at promoting a vast range of incredible health benefits.
Here are some of the areas of the clinically studied benefit of Red Light and Near Infrared light Therapy;
- Skin health / Anti-Aging Multiple studies of light therapy have found that it not only improves the skin tone and complexion, but also diminishes the signs of aging, and speeds the healing process of any wounds or scars.
Red light also boosts the natural collagen production process. In a study, over 74% of participants reported visible improvements in lines and wrinkles. Natural red and near-infrared light has also been found to have a positive effect on skin conditions like psoriasis, herpes, acne, eczema, and so forth.
- Muscle Recovery Professional athletes have been using light therapy to recover from workouts and stimulate muscle growth for years now. A group of professional athletes in Europe found an increase in muscle size and strength and were noticeably less sore post-workout when using Red Light Therapy after their training.
- Pain and Inflammation The Journal of rheumatology implemented light therapy to measure its Effectiveness on arthritis And found red light therapy to be very effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
If you have been around the blog and I talk in-depth about foods that cause inflammation and the domino effect inflammation has on your overall health. (Click Here to read more about foods to eliminate that cause inflammation which leads to hormonal imbalances and pain, and is linked to every major disease)
- Topical Skin Issues Pretty wide range from healing wounds and burns, to Healing cystic acne scars, stretch marks, scars, and other topical skin imperfections.
Red light therapy has been shown in many trials to aid in the healing process of wounds and scars because it induces the release of cytokines and chemokines into the cells. The results from the trials were measurable with only Red Light Therapy being used or tested as treatment. Red Light Therapy for Eczema has also been extensively studied with measurable improvements. If Eczema is something you suffer from know that foods and chemicals found in our homes and personal hygiene products have a direct link to causing eczema.
Our bodies are like cars the outer skin issue is like our bodies sending us a “check engine light”. Eczema is not the root of the problem, though is topical and visible we want it remedied as soon as possible. The real issue causing the eczema is inside of our body. (Click Here for more on eliminating foods that are linked to inflammation and eczema flair-ups, and click here for toxins to eliminate that also cause a whole host of health issues)
- Sleep Sleep is often the most overlooked area when one is deep diving into their health. Our bodies can go up to 30 days without food, and up to 7 days without water, but 3 days of no sleep causes irreversible brain damage.
Ongoing lack of sleep or poor sleep quality has been closely associated with hypertension, heart attacks and strokes, obesity, diabetes, depression and anxiety, decrease brain function, memory loss, weakened immune system, lower fertility rates, and psychiatric disorders.
Red light therapy helps to regulate melatonin and improve sleep.
A couple of tips we have picked up along the way that will also vastly improve your sleep quality are
- Wearing Blue Light Blocking glasses at night one to two hours before bed (and avoid turning on the lights as the blue light from the bulbs simply touching your skin reduces melatonin – aka it wakes you back up)
- Motion sentencing soft amber or red lights at night
- The Optimum sleeping temperature is 68° (20° celsius), we use the OOLER sleep pad by Chilli Sleep to help get the temperature to 68° as we do not need our AC cooling our entire house to this temperature.
- Wear socks at night. This regulates your body temperature, yes even in hot summers I know it sounds Counterintuitive but if you’re tracking your sleep you will see that it works.
- Track your sleep – I linked our two favorite sleep tracking devices below.
- Keep your bedtime and wake-up time within 30 minutes of the same set time every night (if your bedtime is 9:30 it must be 9:00-10:00 every night weekends and days off included, the same goes for wake-up times…. Yes even on the weekends).
Here are some of the items we use around our house to optimize our sleep:
red light therapy for hair loss
The last topic I wanted to go a little more in-depth on is in using red light therapy is red light therapy for hair loss.
Researchers concluded that red light therapy treatments were effective for stopping hair loss and promoting hair growth. The study found that 51% of women who were tested saw hair count increase when using red light therapy.
The researchers found that Red Light Therapy for hair loss and for promoting hair growth is more effective and safer than the clinically recommended drugs for hair loss. In a 2018 study, 22 studies were examined as a non-surgical treatment using red light therapy up against hormone-regulating drugs and researchers concluded red light therapy was a superior treatment option.
The study found:
- Improved hair count, density, strength, and thickness
- Effective in treating both Female and Male Baldness
Our testimony on the subject happened by accident really. My husband would turn on the Joovv red light while lying down in meditation letting it hit the top of his head. He did this because of the improvement in brain function not even realizing the benefits it would have on hair growth.
My husband is Latin (age 44) with a head of full thick hair. He experienced no thinning or male balding at all but after only a couple of weeks of doing this I noticed how much thicker and fuller his hair was.
His hair was so thick it was the point where I needed to thin his hair out a bit because it was so heavy the gel would no longer hold it in place.
I also noticed a reduction in grey hair as well. And since I am his hairdresser I am very familiar with this hair.
Pretty amazing results especially since we were not even testing it for hair loss or hair growth stimulation.
Conclusion on the Joovv Red Light
There you have it, friends. We have LOVED our Joovv Red Light and have plans to buy another panel simply for quicker treatments. Our one panel covers half of our bodies and a full treatment is 10 minutes. This requires 4 sections or 40 minutes to cover our entire body. Having the second panel will allow us to be done in only 20 minutes.
For my husband and I, the 40 minutes a day is not really a big deal as we do our morning reading, journaling, and meditations as we do our red light treatments.
The biggest benefit of having two panels is one of us will be done quickly so the other can jump in before the work day starts.
But our willingness to invest another $1500 (the price of the panels has gone us since our purchase) means we love it that much!!
I hope this review helps you in your research on red light therapy.
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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
[…] The JOOVV Red Light is a bit more of an investment but helps with weight loss, sleep, mental clarity, cellulite, giving our skin that youthful glow, healing scares and stretchmarks, hair growth, and all kinds of other great health benefits! Check out my full blog post using the red light for a year and JOOVV light review here All You Need to Know About Joovv Light […]