Losing weight is hard. The hardest part is eliminating the foods that are causing the problems in the first place because those foods are HIGHLY ADDICTIVE.
I have found that most people “cheat” on their healthy eating diet or lifestyle nine times out of ten it is because of one thing – SUGAR. It could be in the form of desserts or other refined carbs (junk foods) but one way or another sugar is at the heart of every person who “falls off the wagon”.
Not to worry my friend my blog is packed with delicious dessert recipes that are Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, and Dairy-Free (other than butter however, the way butter is made removes the “bad” parts, but you could always sub for Coconut oil).
This No-Churn Paleo Almond Joy Ice Cream will not only hit that sweet tooth spot, but it is a great base recipe to play with. I love adding or swapping out ingredients, heck that is how I came on to this recipe! I hope you give it a go.
This API Coconut Milk Ice Cream eliminates the upset tummy most get from ice cream that is dairy-based. We love Paleo Dairy-Free Ice Cream and make them all the time using coconut cream, coconut milk, or almond milk.
This recipe is easily adaptable to a Paleo Vegan Ice Cream by leaving out the egg yolk which is totally optional but adds a great creamy texture and some added protein and health benefits but is not required.
It is always a crowd-pleaser around our house.
Ditch the Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar….
I simply love sharing low-carb, keto, paleo dessert recipes. Because I have a sweet tooth like any woman, and when I started keto over 7 years ago I went cold turkey cutting out all sugar and gluten with no real “dessert replacement plan”.
That detox time was rough!
And I didn’t realize at the time there was a better way. And back then well Pinterest and Youtube were not what they are today.
Luckily for you, going gluten-free and sugar-free just following this blog alone makes it super easy. There are hundreds of recipes out there to satisfy any sweet cravings you might have along the way.
When I share I usually label it Keto or Paleo but in all honesty, I am not really following a strict “diet“ and just started eating simple, clean, organic, natural, whole foods. Primal eating.
I like to call it the “human diet” (lol) original right?
But if we think back to foods our ancestors ate for thousands of years then we know what kind of foods will nourish our bodies and provide us longevity. The ability to age gracefully.
However, that was not the case in the beginning. I was strictly Clean Keto. No weighting food or anything crazy, but I knew I needed to create a new eating lifestyle and you cannot “wing it” in the beginning.
Now, years later I don’t need guidance or direction. I know what foods are on the “yes list” and which are not, so now I am in the habit of going only foods that normally fall under the Keto or Paleo diet eating styles naturally.
The Custom Keto Meal Planner I linked above is such a great tool if you are just getting started on your clean eating journey.
Changing any habit is hard. Changing habits around foods that were created in labs to make us addicted to them so we buy more and eat more is really hard!
Invest in yourself. The best way to stay on track with a wellness and healthy eating lifestyle is to have a plan. You can do what I did which was loads of research in finding my own meal plan (this was not an option 7 years ago).
Or you can have the plan made up for you using the Custom Keto Meal Plan (it’s free for the first week, give it a go and see what you think). Rachel R. worked with nutritionists, professional chefs, and fitness instructors in creating this program and it is one of the top-rated keto meal planners out there because of it!
She can help turn you into a Keto Pro. After some time you will find it comes naturally and then you will know this habit is strongly in place.
Frist big stumbling block was avoided.
We can see the health pandemic and diseases in the US caused by following the SAD – Standard American Diet (Coincidence in the acronym I think not).
When it comes to food I love how Dr. Mark Hyman puts it, “Food is either medicine or poison. It is either nourishing and healing your body or slowly poisoning it.”
There are four foods to avoid that are easily linked to illnesses
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Sugar
- Seed Oils
Without going into detail in all of these because this is after all a Gluten-Free chocolate chip ice cream recipe.
Just know that if you’re suffering from any kind of illness, and issues and even issues mentally such as depression and anxiety these three foods are often linked to causing or worsening health issues.
If you want to read my full story. How I used food as medicine and a clean nontoxic lifestyle to heal my autoimmune system click here.
Gluten-free thankfully for us is so much easier at this time than it was even 10 years ago. However, when you are out shopping at places like Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free does not necessarily mean “healthy”.
So many people think I will eat gluten-free and lose weight. Yes, that is true if done properly you totally can and will lose weight by eliminating gluten. which eliminates processed refined carbs most of which have gluten.
But Gluten-Free Pop-Tarts are going to still be loaded with sugar, refined carbs, and processed yucky ingredients.
Gluten-Free Chocolate, which most chocolate is gluten-free by nature, does not mean healthier chocolate. This is something we must understand.
Cutting the gluten is great and will help anyone feel much better. But the food industry just replaced it with other hyperpalatable foods aka highly addictive so you buy more and eat more for a hyperpalatable foods list by healthyline.com click here.
Don’t fall into the food industry’s traps. Overcoming food addictions happens when we eliminate the foods that are made to cause the addictions.
Fast food, processed and refined foods, and so on are what we call “Frankin-Foods”. Cooked up in a lab to taste, smell, and look really good…..but they are not real food and our bodies know it.
Ok without further ado on to the delicious nice-cream paleo banana almond joy ice cream recipe
Paleo Almond Joy Ice Cream Ingredients
Ok, I would not be a good friend if I had not shared the “why” behind ditching those nasty disease-causing ingredients and swapping them with WAY healthier options!
This Paleo-Friendly Ice Cream is also a perfect base recipe with endless options. Not in the chocolate mood? Try swapping out the chocolate chips for strawberries.
Now you have a summer fruit vibe Paleo Strawberry Ice Cream or “Nice-cream”.
Or I often add Peppermint Essential Oil to turn this into a Paleo Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream recipe (note make sure your essential oils are labeled safe for ingestion, not all EO are created equal some are “greenwashed” and honestly not really even EO in the first place).
Here is what you will need to make the Paleo No-Churn Almond Joy Ice Cream:
- 3 frozen bananas (this makes the recipe no-churn however if you have an ice cream maker (my fav is linked below the bananas do not need to be frozen)
- 1 avocado (shhhh no one will ever know 😉
- 1 can coconut milk (full fat -unsweetened)
- Monk fruit sweetener (my fav is linked below), honey, or maple syrup will also work but adds to the natural sugars so I like to stick with Monk fruit
- Unsweetened Gluten-free Chocolate Chips (Lillys is our favorite brand I linked it below)
- Unsweetened coconut flakes
- Vanilla extract
- Unsweetened almond milk (optional)
- 1 organic egg yolk (optional)
Ok so if raw egg yolk freaks you out totally skip it.
However, I LOVE and always add it to all my ice cream recipes for two reasons.
First, it adds that creamy texture to ice cream that is harder to get without heavy whipping cream. Second, egg yolks (be sure they are organic) are rich in vitamins, incredibly high in vitamin B, antioxidants, and nutrients, and great for the skin!
Sneaking in that avocado adds;
- Vitamins C, E, K, and B6
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Folate
- Pantothenic Acid
- Magnesium (most Americans are deficient in)
- Potassium
- Beta Carotene
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
And you will not even know it is there!
Bananas are a fruit we only eat in summer primarily and we limit them just because they are pretty high in carbs and natural sugar. However, in summer we love them in our ice cream and smoothies.
Bananas have their own set of health benefits such as;
- improve our bodies’ circulatory system delivering oxygen to our brains
- can help lower blood pressure
- keep a proper balance of water in our bodies
- maintain a regular heartbeat
- improve gut health
- powerful potassium
- helps to prevent kidney stones
- is a feast of fiber
- packed with vitamins (Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin A)
Now, let’s make some of this delicious guilt-free, sugar-free, dairy-free ‘nice’ cream!
I hope you and your family enjoy this Homemade Paleo Ice Cream recipe, and I would love to hear what fun changes you make to the recipe so we can give it a try!
Comment below to share your creations with the Roots Tribe!
No-Churn Paleo Almond Joy Ice Cream
No more falling off your healthy eating lifestyle because of those pesky sugar cravings! No more "missing out" on desserts because they will tail spin your body with all the gluten, dairy, and sugar side effects! This Paleo No-Churn Ice Cream will hit that sweet tooth spot EVERY time!
- 3 frozen bananas
- 1 can whole fat unsweetened coconut milk
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (optional but recommened)
- 1/2 cup monk fruit sweetener
- 1 raw organic egg yolk (optional)
- 1 cup unsweetened chocolate chips (Lillys linked above are my fav)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
- top optional peacans or crushed almonds
Throw it all in the blender and blend away! Easy Peezy.
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