Most people want to stick to a healthy eating plan….but then theres the sweet tooth. Not to worry my friend I have been Gluten-Free and Sugar-Free for over 7 years now and have mastered some “dupe” recipes. This Ooey-Gooey Paleo Brownie recipe (with the added healthy brain food – avocado that I promise you will not even know it is there) will be one of your go-to’s to keep you on track with your healthy eating habits.
These brownies are a weekly favorite in our house. At times I will add some hemp hearts and chia seeds for extra protein (our little secrete, I add the extra protein so I can have it for breakfast with my coffee as a little morning guilt-free treat (lol)).
Why Gluten and Sugar Have To Go
I simply love sharing low carb, keto, paleo dessert recipes. It’s probably because for 1 I have a sweet tooth like any woman, and 4 to when I started keto over 6 years ago I went cold turkey cutting out all sugar and gluten with no real replacement plan.
That detox time was a rough!
And I didn’t realize at the time there was a better way. The internet wasn’t what it is today so luckily for you if you’re cutting out gluten and sugar just following this blog alone makes it super easy.
When I share I usually label it keto or paleo but in all honesty I stopped following a strict “diet“ and just started eating simple, clean, organic, natural, whole foods.
I like to call it the “human diet” (lol) original right?
But if we think back to foods our ancestors ate for thousands of years then we know what kind of foods will nourish our bodies and provide us longevity. The ability to age gracefully.
We can see the health pandemic and diseases in the US caused from following the SAD – Standard American Diet (Coincidence in the acronym I think not).
It is estimated that 1 in 8 Americans will die of one of the “Big 5 Killers”
- Alzheimer’s
- Obesity
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Blood pressure related disease
One in eight people YIKES!
When it comes to food I love how Dr Mark Hyman puts it, “Food is either medicine or poison. It is either nourishing and healing your body or slowly poisoning it.”
There are four foods to avoid that are easily linked to illnesses
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Sugar
- Seed Oils
Without going into detail in all of these because this is after all a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Just know that if you’re suffering from any kind of illness, and issues, and even issues mentally such as depression and anxiety these three foods are often linked to causing or worsening health issues.
If you want to read my full story. How I used food as medicine and a clean nontoxic lifestyle to heal my autoimmune system click here.
The Recipe for these Amazing Paleo Brownies
It is funny how food can trigger memories. Food is such a HUGE part of our lives, sometimes an unhealthy big part. Finding balance is key when it comes to food. But eating healthy does not mean depriving ourselves of our favorite foods.
Often it means we just need to be open to a new perspective on food.
Growing up my moms favorite treat was brownies. I remember after church on Sundays we would almost always eat at our favorite Mexican food restaurant then head home for brownies and naps. We took Sundays as a rest day serious (lol)
When I started Keto almost a decade ago now, finding replacements that had the right flavor and texture of my favorite desserts was no easy task. (The internet is not what it is now)
After a LOT of dessert recipes. Some good, some not so good. I share with you all, my tribe of fellow health eaters, my tried and true no fail recipes so that you don’t have to waste time seeking out the best ones yourself.
Many of my recipes would fall under the Keto or Paleo eating styles. However, to be honest I do not strickly follow either of those.
I eat what I like to call the “Human Diet” (lol original right). My husband calls it the “Omnivore Diet”
You know the foods humans have been eating for as long as time.
We try our best to avoid processed foods, and cook fresh from scratch. But as a busy homeschool mom who runs a small business – well we all do our best right?
Ooey- Gooey Avocado Brownies
The star of these brownies is also the hidden secret ingredient – avocado. Avocados will add the creamy texture to any dessert or smoothy without hindering the taste at all (especially in chocolate recipes).
Avocados are full of
- Vitamins C, E, K, and B6
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Folate
- Pantothenic Acid
- Magnesium (most Americans are deficient in)
- Potassium
- Beat Carotene
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Avocados make us feel fuller between meals and help to regulate and balance our hormones. If there is one food you eat E V E R Y day friend let it be an avocado.
Here is what you will need
- Coconut oil (or butter if your not strict Paleo)
- Butter or Ghee
- Monk-fruit Sugar or Erythritol
- 1 Avocado (ripe and mashed)
- Coco Powder (unsweetened)
- Almond Flour
- 2 Eggs (or Chia Seed Egg replacement 2 tbls Chia Seeds Soaked in 2 tbls water)
- Baking Powder
- Sugar Free Chocolate chips (BE SURE they are naturally sweetened – NO artificial sweeteners most common – saccharin (sweet-n-low), aspartame (equal), sucralose (splenda), neotame, maltodextrin)
Pre-heat your oven to 350°F (177°C) and line your sheet pan with parchment paper (this is the quickest to bake and clean up). However, if you prefer a baking dish just grease it with your butter, ghee, or coconut oil to prevent the brownies from sticking.
In a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer beat together all the ingredients except your chocolate chips those will come in just a bit, be sure not to over mix.
Fold in your chocolate chips and smooth your batter evenly in your baking dish of choice.
Baking time will depend on your dish. In a sheet pan mine are normally ready in 20-25 minutes. In a baking dish normally 25-35 minutes.
I like to leave the center a bit gooey because we love the lava cake effects. But you can tell when it is done by gently shaking your baking dish. If it giggles a little you will have a lava like consistency. If that is not your jam, or you are scared of eating raw(ish) eggs just bake it a few more minutes to your desired doneness.
You are sure to love these easy ooey-gooey paleo avocado brownies! They will hit that sweet tooth spot without blowing your healthy eating habits out of the water. Gluten-free and sugar-free does not mean we cannot get that same amazing flavor, after years of trying different recipes I will save you the time….these are the BEST!
But don’t just take my word for it, give them a go yourself. Be sure to tag me on SM (Instagram @goingbacktoourroots) I cannot wait to hear your thoughts.
Stick around and find more healthy yummy food from scratch recipes.
Until next time friend, cheers!
Ooey-Gooey Paleo Avocado Brownies
If you are one that "falls off" your healthy eating wagon for desserts then this will soon be one of your GO-TO dessert recipes!
- 1/2 cup Coconut oil, Butter, Or Ghee
- 1 tbsp Butter or Ghee
- 2/3 cup Monk-fruit Sugar or Erythritol
- 1 ripe/mashed Avocado
- 1/3 cup Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)
- 3/4 cup Almond Flour
- 1.5 tsp Baking Powder
- 2 large Eggs (or Chia Seed Egg replacement 2 tbls Chia Seeds Soaked in 2 tbls water)
- 1/2 cup Sugar Free Chocolate chips (BE SURE they are naturally sweetened – NO artificial sweeteners)
Important Note: AVOID Artificial Sweeteners the most common – saccharin (sweet-n-low), aspartame (equal), sucralose (splenda), neotame, maltodextrin)
Pre-heat your oven to 350°F (177°C) and line your sheet pan with parchment paper (this is the quickest to bake and clean up). However, if you prefer a baking dish just grease it with your butter, ghee, or coconut oil to prevent the brownies from sticking.
In a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer beat together all the ingredients except your chocolate chips those will come in just a bit, be sure not to over mix.
Fold in your chocolate chips and smooth your batter evenly in your baking dish of choice.
Baking time will depend on your dish. In a sheet pan mine are normally ready in 20-25 minutes. In a baking dish normally 25-35 minutes.
I like to leave the center a bit gooey because we love the lava cake effects. But you can tell when it is done by gently shaking your baking dish. If it giggles a little you will have a lava like consistency. If that is not your jam, or you are scared of eating raw(ish) eggs just bake it a few more minutes to your desired doneness.
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