Losing weight can be so hard! Losing hormonal weight gain can feel near impossible. I know I have been there. After having my babies my hormones were completely out of wack. It was not until I understood more our my body and hormones that I understood how to lose hormonal weight gain.
I gained over 50 pounds during my second pregnancy that just would NOT come off. At least not while approaching weight loss the “normal” way.
In this blog post, I am sharing with you the #1 thing that took me from nothing working to losing 30 pounds in the first couple of months and the remaining weight soon after keeping the weight off for over 6 years now too!

If you are new here, hey, hi, hello I am K’Lee. Wellness Coach and Blogger helping women heal the body naturally by resetting their hormones to Happy Healthy Hormones!
That is why this blog exists.
To share my near decade of research and personal journey in how I healed my Autoimmune Disease naturally using food as medicine and clean nontoxic living. There was a lot of trial and error to find what worked and many successes and many failures along the way.
This blog and my 1-on-1 coaching are to save you all the time it took me. Think of me as your own personal GPS. Destination healed body and healthy happy hormonal balance.
Knowing the roadblocks I hit let me help you avoid them to get you to your destination faster!
Food is Medicine or Poison
The first time I heard this quote was by Dr. Mark Hyman, an absolutely brilliant functional medicine doctor and the head of the Clevland Clinic, I was taken back for a moment.
Sometimes we hear things and the weight of the truth of it can stop us in our tracks. That was what happened to me when I heard,
“Food is either medicine or it is poison, food is either healing and nourishing your body or it is slowly poisoning it.”
This quote came to me several years into my journey and I had already eliminated many of the foods Dr. Hyman listed that are “poisoning our bodies”.
What I appreciate is Dr. Hyman himself had to heal his autoimmune system after his visit to one of the top Endocronolisist in the country told him the exact same thing I was told, “sorry this is an incurable disease you are just going to have to leave with it (an on medication) the rest of your life.”
Let me tell you friend this is NOT TRUTH.
Not for me, and not for Dr. Hyman or the hundreds of thousands of other people who learned what I am sharing with you today!

The Custom Keto Diet Meal Planner
Instead of me listing the laundry list of foods that are endocrine disruptures, aka wrecking your hormones, right up front let me share the BIG RED EASY BUTTON!
We will skip the two years of trying and nothing working in my journey and just right to what finally did work!
The Keto Diet

Before you roll your eyes and say, “yeah yeah been there tried that” let me share with you 9 out of 10 people who tell me that fell into one of two categories, some fell into both.
- They thought they were “doing keto” but when I would dig deeper I quickly found they were doing it wrong.
- They quit too soon because they hit what is called the Keto-Flu, or detox phase.
I will admit for the first couple of months even seeing over 30 pounds finally drop off I was not even doing it right.
When I started keto over 7 years ago the internet and wild popularity of keto were not what we have today.
As promised though to make sure you don’t fall into either of the two traps listed above. Here is the BIG RED Easy Button.

Custome Keto Diet Meal Planner is the perfect solution to not spend countless hours in research. You take a short quiz and the app will plan your weekly meal plans and shopping list for you!
This will insure you are staying on track and doing Keto right.
You could use the Custom Keto Plan for the first couple of months while you are getting the hang of what is keto and what is not.
Many people I share the Custom Keto Diet meal planner with end up loving the effortlessness of having a meal plan made for them and just stick with it.
Totally up to you!
If you are not sure you want to take the quiz and try it for your first week for free here is that option too.

Custom Keto Meal Planner Review
Let’s take a sneak peek at what you get when you use the Custom Keto Diet Meal Planner. First, is the assessment quiz.
This is a quick process it only takes about a minute or two. You will see “my custom keto plan” results based on your own goals and personal information.
After intaking your age, height, goal weight, gender, etc it will ask for your eating preferences.
Then the plan will provide you some great insight into your own personal goals and begin to formulate a meal plan and shopping list to fit your goals.
The first week on the Custom Keto Diet Meal Planner is free, after that, the cost of the custom keto diet is under $40 per month, and you can cancel at any time.
A lot of people I tell about the meal planner use it for the first couple of months to get adjusted to keto and have the shopping lists and keto-approved meal ideas then cancel the planner.
Others LOVE not having to think and plan out meals and shopping lists and just keep using it because the $40 investment saves them SO much time.
This whole process took me under two minutes.
Hyperpalitable is a word you may have never heard before, I know I hadn’t. Hyperpalitable foods simply are foods that are made to taste good so that you become addicted to eating them.
The word addiction may seem a bit extreme, as we most often hear it in the context of drugs or alcohol.
If you are American odds are pretty good there are one or more foods you may be addicted to.
How do I know this?
Because the food industry in America changed around the 1950s. Food marketing hit science like never before in the history of the world right alongside the invention of what I like to call Frankin-Foods.
Frankin-Foods – Foods that are not real, cooked up in labs, and loaded with chemicals, sugar, refined carbs, dyes, and other ingredients that are known for creating food addictions and overeating.
Beating food addiction is now something many Americans struggle with and is the reason the diet and weight loss industry is a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry.
Many of the chemicals found in fast food, junk food, and highly refined processed foods are what my teenager’s video game would call a “double kill”.
These nasty Frankin-Foods not only create addictions to these foods but also block the ‘I am full’ hormone that tells our brains to stop eating which causes overeating and weight gain.
If this was not bad enough over time these nasty little devils also block hormone receptors to the point our bodies stop producing and receiving hormones in proper balance leading to Autoimmune Disease.
Clean Keto
For the first year and a half, I did the traditional keto diet, now called “dirty keto”. At the time that was the only ketogenic diet, there was. Later, I heard of the Clean Keto Diet concept.
Clean Keto means removing dairy and highly processed foods that are otherwise “keto-friendly” from your diet as well.
Dirty Keto meals you can eat all the dairy and ‘dirty junk foods’ as long as they are low carb and within the keto daily carb intake.
I saw a HUGE difference in my body looking and feeling so much better and I lost an additional 15 pounds within two months!
We are still dairy free and eat very little in the way of processed foods, even if they are clean ingredients.
I went from 190+ pounds after having baby number two to 140 pounds with abs even! I am 26 in the picture to the far left and 38 in the one to the far right!
My thyroid is completely healed and I am free of all thyroid medication, in this journey my husband and family are all benefiting from me creating a wellness lifestyle around clean natural foods.
Hormonal Health and Weight Loss
Hormonal health and weight loss go hand in hand. For any person who has tried to lose weight, struggled, or had no success at all no matter what they do the first place to look is hormonal imbalances.
When a person cuts out junk foods, fast foods, processed foods, and other known “bad foods” that cause weight gain and see no visible changes in their bodies the very next place to look is Hormones.
Whether you are looking to lose weight or just looking to feel better I love clean keto because it eliminates SO many of the food culprits causing the problems.
Another great tip is to look at vitamins and supplements it can really help boost the nutrition we are missing in our diets.
Click here to see a full blog post review to see my top supplement recommendations for Happy Healthy Hormones.
Start Here
To keep things easy there is nothing better than one product that packs a lot of punch!
Starting anything new can quickly get overwhelming.
Starting with the Custom Keto Diet Meal Planner takes the guesswork and hours of research out of it. They literally give you a meal plan and shopping list, easy peezy! Maybe even easier than your current routine.
The Green Juice gives you daily servings of fruits and veggies without having to eat them all, which is hard to do and gets expensive fast.
Then if you have a known hormonal imbalance I love the Hormonal Harmony Supplement formulated to give you ALL the vitamins that are known to help balance the hormones. Bonus on all 3 of these, you will see the amazing before and after weight loss pictures on each of these products when you click the links.
Because when you are nourishing your body with foods and supplements that prompt Happy Healthy Hormonal Balance you are returning to your body’s ‘factory settings’ of health and longevity!
It is time to ditch the diet drama. Cut the food cravings causing overeating. You now have 3 simple steps to resetting your hormones to their Healthy Happy Hormones factory settings. Using food as medicine the Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan will do all the work for you planning meals that are based on your taste and weight loss goals!
Finally, a meal plan that cuts the food addictions and removes foods that are throwing hormones out of wack!
If you want more one-on-one coaching and planning in starting your wellness journey click here for more information.
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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
[…] (read more about my journey and Keto Custom Meal Planner review here) […]