Losing weight can be so hard, I have been there. After having my two sons’ pregnancy was a hormonal roller coaster on my body and I gained over 50 pounds.
No matter what I tried to get the post-pregnancy weight off NOTING worked!
It was not until I finally learned that focusing on the weight was not getting to the root of the problem. The extra weight was a symptom or side effect of the problem.
In my case, and with many of the people who I speak with and coach the root of the problem comes down to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal weight loss is not the same as “normal weight loss”.
This is why the old “cut the calories and work out more” method for weight loss simply does not work.
Science has shown now that eat less and workout more which often means calory restriction and working out is actually the cause of many messed up metabolisms and when they tested a group who lost over 40 pounds doing this style of dieting they lost muscle weight not fat.
The calorie restriction weight loss test group’s fat ratio had not changed at all with the weight loss and in a few of them, the fat measured higher than before they lost 40 pounds.
Nuts right?
People lost 40 pounds but their fat percentages (body mass index) did not change.
Balance Hormones for Weight Loss
Most women cycle through at least three major hormonal changes in life (for many women often more). These are times when one could say our hormones are out of wack.
Puberty, pregnancies, and menopause (including pre-menopause often starting around age 40). Our brilliant bodies are hardwired to return our hormones to factory settings, as I call them however, in today’s world, it has become harder and harder to do that can boil down to two main reasons:
- Foods
- Toxins
If you go to the search bar on my blog and type in non-toxic I have several blog posts about how to find and identify toxins in your cleaning and Home Products as well as in your personal hygiene and makeup and beauty products.
These toxins are major endocrine disruptors and no matter what you change in your diet without removing these things it’s like swimming against the tide. Definitely check those posts out and download the free printable list.
But for today let’s keep our focus on food.
When talking about balancing hormones for weight loss the very first thing we need to identify is the foods that are causing all if not most of the issues themselves.
In my own journey, it wasn’t until I started eliminating certain foods that my body seemed to instantly respond with weight loss.
I’m sure it will come as no surprise since this blog post has the word keto in it three times that keto was the first eating style that eliminated the foods that were causing the most hormonal imbalance, otherwise known as endocrine-disrupting foods.
It took me a year of trial and error to find my way to the keto diet and as soon as I did I lost close to 30 pounds in the first 30 days on keto. It’s important to note that for the last year-and-a-half nothing else had worked!!
Even did a seven-day vegetable juice and water only fast and did not lose a single pound. Now, that seven-day fast was for Spiritual reasons but of course, I thought maybe I would lose 10 lb as a positive side effect.
Nope, I did not lose a single pound. My step-dad (who was in his 60’s) joined me for the last 3 days and lost a pants size…. (insert head slap in frustration lol).
Let me offer you the Big Red Easy Button.
Start with Keto for 90 days and see what happens. No “cheat days”. It is sad that we would even want to cheat on ourselves and our health, but it has become a cultural norm to “cheat” on healthy eating habits nowadays.
I also highly recommend the Custom Keto Diet because this program does all the meal planning for you based on your taste buds and weight loss goals, and it even gives you a weekly shopping list.
A lot of people say, “I’ve tried keto K’Lee it didn’t work for me”.
After asking a couple of quick questions I found that most of them fell into 1 of 2 categories if not both.
- They were doing it wrong
- They quit too soon
In my own personal journey as well as in helping many others as a holistic coach I can say Keto is the best diet for hormonal imbalance. At the least, it is the best starting place based on my results when talking about hormonal health and weight loss.
Quick Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am an everyday person just like you, who was frustrated and did not want to be on medication my whole life without ever actually fixing the problem. I call my posts I share how I used food as medicine, clean nontoxic living, and modern scientific tools and research to heal my autoimmune system and be free of all medication in hopes that you can find your own healing journey too.
Vitamin for Hormone Balance
When you were just starting out your hormone balancing journey it’s best to start with steps that you can keep up with.
Instead of recommending 10-20 different vitamins that are not only expensive when you add them all up but time-consuming and figuring out what to take when, what to take with food, and what to take on an empty stomach.
For someone just starting on their journey, this can be very overwhelming.
So let me offer you one supplement to start with that is made specifically for helping to balance hormones. Hormonal Harmony is made by doctors using 100% natural ingredients and combining the best hormone balancing supplements combining them into one easy-to-remember supplement.
One thing that most people looking to lose weight have in common is hormonal imbalance. Whether it’s a temporary hormonal imbalance because of the extra weight, or whether it’s a major hormonal imbalance I had after having babies where I needed to heal my thyroid (hypothyroid) / autoimmune disease.
I’m this supplement will help your hormones as your body is healing and releasing the extra weight.
Due to the poor farming practices in the US and the overabundance of Highly processed foods, junk food, fast food, and refined carbs that have made their way into our “normal” everyday eating habits in the US, appropriately referred to as the SAD Diet (Standard American Diet) and now many countries around the world taking high-quality supplements and vitamins is essential.
How to Lose Weight in Your Face
This is a very frequently asked question. Facial fat is caused primarily by weight gain. there are other reasons behind excess fat in the face such as a poor diet, lack of exercise, aging, retention of water or swelling based on eating poor choices of foods, and alcohol consumption.
The first step in answering this question is to figure out for you personally which category the additional fat in the face It’s linked to.
Fat is usually visible in the cheeks, jowls, and under the chin and neck.
Some people even ask, “why is my face fat but not my body?”
Though facial fat is typically due to weight gain that is not always the case. It may also be a result of water retention or excess alcohol and foods causing inflammation which can make the face appear puffy and swollen.
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle will help support and prevent excess facial fat.
If this is something you were concerned with. Losing facial fat but not necessarily losing weight. I would still suggest 30 days or more using the custom keto meal planner.
The first thing you are asked in the meal planner is how much weight you were wanting to lose or what your goal weight is.
In the case, that weight loss in your body is not a concern but in your face, it is keto that will help to eliminate inflammatory foods and alcohol that are most likely causing water retention and making your face appear to be fat.
holistic coach (Need Some 1-0n-1 Coaching)
I wish I could cover in a single blog post the magic formula to resetting your hormones to Happy Healthy Hormones. There is a way for me to get 6 or 7 years of research and what I did to heal my autoimmune system naturally using food as medicine and clean nontoxic living into one condensed post.
Heck, I honestly do not know if I could fit it into one book.
But I do know that most of us need help and guidance, to know we are not alone, have support, and even accountability.
After coaching friends and family free for years I started having people ask how much I charge for my one-on-one coaching.
Funny enough up to this point I did not realize I was “coaching” so many people (lol). I was just excited about the newfound healing and weight loss that I was telling anyone who would listen in hopes it could help them too.
Hormonal health and weight loss go hand in hand. Knowing what foods are healthy for your hormones and which are causing harm to your hormones is key in being able to heal and reset them.
Your hormones have to return to their healthy ‘factory settings’ before hormonal weight gain will come off for good and stay off.
Starting with the Clean Keto for at least 90 days, I recommend more like 6 months then transitioning to a Keto(ish) for Breakfast and Lunch, and Paleo(ish) for dinner is what I like to call the “Human Diet“. Eating foods that were grown not produced in a lab, cutting out foods that over the years have been changed to the point they are unrecognizable.
Clean eating allows our body to focus on what it needs, not trying to digest foods that are unrecognizable to our bodies as food with so many dyes, chemicals, additives, and so on.
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