Food is Medicine / Natural Living
Going back to our roots means studying how our ancestors thrived for thousands of years while using modern science to hack our health.
The ANCESTRAL diet + Biohacking
Industrial farming has cost Millions their health and even their life. Here we go back to our ancestral roots as far as diet and lifestyle.
While incorporating modern science to hack our health. Biohacking.
This blog was created to share how I healed my autoimmune disease using food, biohacking, and a clean non-toxic lifestyle.
Here I share food from scratch recipe ideas, healing for autoimmune disease naturally, and all the biohacking tips tools, and tricks that we use for optimal Health and Longevity.

Using Food + Science to heal our body naturally.
Modern day foods & lifestyles have wrecked our health……
Food is medicine or it is poison. I discovered 10 years ago the food I was eating was the root cause of my autoimmune disease, hypothyroid.
Here I share how to heal autoimmune diseases. The Wildfit diet, a term coined by Eric Edmeades, that simply means our ancestral diet.
Using food as medicine.
hi, i’m k’lee
Mom of three, urban homesteader, and a food and wellness blogger.
10 years ago I set off on a journey to heal my thyroid. I became a research enthusiast.
I’ve read hundreds of books listen to thousands of hours of doctors, everyday people that lead me to heal my autoimmune system naturally just as they have.
My hope is to save you the years of research. I’m sharing with you everything I know and have learned so that you too can find health & healing through a natural going back to our roots lifestyle just as I have.
Ready to transform your health naturally?
Coming soon
Heal Autoimmune desease naturally ebook + bonus cookbook
What’s Included
With YOUR PURCHASE, you’ll instantly receive:
- Step by Step guide to healing
- Food as Medicine Recipies (updated regularly with new healthy breakfast, luch, dinner & dessert ideas)
- Biohacking – Modern Science & Tools Guide
- Access to our private Facebook Group
- Meal Plans
- ePlanner Template
- Costco & WholeFoods Shopping for Health Lists
- Access to one live Q & A a month
“If one wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if they are ready to do away with the reason for their illness. only then is it possible to help them” hippocrates
Questions? I have answers!
How to heal Thyroid Naturally
1 in 3 Women in the US has an autoimmune disorder. A third of them are undiagnosed and a large portion of those diagnosed are not being properly treated. Healing the Thyroid starts with a holistic approach.
It is never just one thing. There is always more.
- Over all Gut Health
- Foods that are causing issues
- Toxins in our homes, personal hygiene and beauty products that are messing with our hormones
Functional Medicine
Functional medicine means taking a look at the body as a whole vs traditional medicine looks only at one isolated part of the body.
Our bodies are incredibly complex. Taking the Functional Medicine approach is about asking WHY? If one has a skin rash traditional medicine gives a steroid cream. Functional medicine asks what is causing the rash in the first place……
See the full article here.
Foods & Plant medicine – Natural healing
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Why I can’t lose weight
Why I can’t lose weight?
That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?
After having our youngest son I knew something inside my body was off. You can read my full story here. In short, the cause of most people’s inability to lose weight doesn’t just lie in one area or one isolated issue.
Often there is a bread crumb trail we must follow to get to the roots of the issue itself.
Functional medicine teaches us to take a holistic view. Traditionally practice medicine in the US takes isolated looks at our bodies.
For example, my doctor tested my thyroid and hormone panel and discovered I was hypothyroid. Gave me medication. And said I would be on the medication for the rest of my life there was no here.
This was simply unacceptable.
So after 10 plus years of my own research, testing, and eliminating things from my lifestyle and my diet I have been able to kill my autoimmune system. How did I do it?
You can see those articles here.
While my autoimmune system was not functioning properly I was not able to lose weight.
It is as simple as that. If one area of our health is not working properly it will be a Domino effect on the rest of our overall health.
At this point weight loss is the least of our concerns…..
What is biohacking
What is biohacking? I like to refer to biohacking as defined by “the father of biohacking” Dave Asprey. A biohacker who created the supplement company bulletproof. He said biohacking is the “Art and Science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so that you have full control over your own biology.”
Why are people biohacking? On a really basic level, biohacking comes down to something we can all relate to the desire to feel better. Beyond simply feeling better most biohackers desire Health and Longevity and are willing to experiment with modern science and ancestral living in order to do so.
Biohacking is simply a way to take our health and our education of our health into our own hands.
See the full article here.
How sleep affects our health
Inadequate sleep quality and sleep quantities are a major problem for many of us. Not only does poor sleep quality leave us feeling bad, but it also is detrimental to our overall health.
Poor sleep can lead to everything from mood swings and blood sugar and balances, to hormonal imbalances, weight gain, poor memory, and the list go on.
Poor sleep is the dominos on steroids!
So what is causing poor sleep?
What can we do to improve it?
See the full article here.
eliminate household toxins that are ruining our health
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Here is an example of a link. Phasellus ultricies ultricies nulla, convallis maximus lacus imperdiet sed. Etiam gravida arcu eget scelerisque gravida. Donec sit amet lectus feugiat, cursus felis sed, suscipit leo. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus dolor ipsum, convallis in quam nec, lobortis facilisis dolor. Pellentesque purus diam, laoreet vitae erat tincidunt, rutrum imperdiet dolor. Donec dapibus augue ut dolor viverra, eget rhoncus nunc porta.
This is the best investment you’ll ever make for your health.
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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.