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plant your roots here…

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behind the blog

Meet K'Lee

Blogger & Wellness Coach

Welcome to Going Back to Our Roots! This blog is the culmination of over 10 years of my personal health journey. Doctors told me my autoimmune condition couldn't be healed, but I proved them wrong using a blend of food as medicine, clean living, and modern science infused with ancient wisdom. Here, I'm excited to share my insights and discoveries, serving as a guide for you to heal naturally, whether it's your autoimmune system or any other health challenge. Remember, 'Food is Medicine or Poison,' and I'm here to help you make the transition from a Standard American Diet (aptly abbreviated as SAD) to a lifestyle that nourishes and revitalizes. Let's journey back to our roots together!

how I lost 50 pounds and kept it off for good

Where To?


want to learn more

Never miss a video, I share my juiciest tips, tricks, and hacks to keep you Fit Over 40 (be sure to subscribe)!

Longevity Blueprint

Course + Coaching

Let me save you the decade it took me to figure it all a call!

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I feel like we are already friends right? I thought so, lets connect on SM.